About Nerdheart

Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog! 

My name is Emily and I'm a nerd at heart. Here you will find posts about my crochet creations and other nerdy activities.

I started knitting in 2007 and I haven't stopped crafting with yarn ever since. More recently I discovered crochet and became obsessed with making amigurumi animals and toys. So much so that I have now filled my house with cute animals. There is a trio of mice sitting on top of my bookshelf, a tiny pug at my computer desk, a monkey and a cat are hanging out in the living room and a penguin, bunny and monster live in the study. I've been crocheting so much that it took over my last blog (which was supposed to be about cooking and homemaking) so I started this blog to really focus on my love of crochet. I'm starting to create my own amigurumi patterns which I will hopefully share here on the blog. The first pattern I made was for a tiny pug and I'm working on another tiny ninja (that's why there's a pug and a ninja in the blog's banner :P). I will be featuring lots of patterns from other designers as well. 

The world doesn't seem right if I don't have a good book to read! I mostly read science fiction and fantasy, but I will read anything if it's good. My favourite authors are Margaret Atwood, Robin Hobb and Audrey Niffenegger. I will share my recommendations and post reviews whenever I read something amazing. 

Gaming is probably my nerdiest hobby. I play all sorts of games; on PC, ipad and xbox mostly. If I had all the time in the world I would love to review games, but for now I will content myself with talking about what I'm playing at the moment. My top five games of all time (in no particular order) are:

  1. The Legend of Zelda (Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask);
  2. Baldur's Gate I and II;
  3. Diablo I and II (not III!);
  4. Pokemon (Red and Blue); and
  5. The Neverhood.

The images on this blog have been designed by me. The font used in the banner was created by Jakob Fischer (www.pizzadude.dk).

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